Plantain Suckers (JuliettO )

Plantain Suckers (JuliettO )

  • 6037
  • julieto
  • 26415
  • 2018 06 28

Seller Contacts

  • State: Oyo
  • Location: Ibadan
  • Telephone: 09032647639


  • ₦130.00 /

  • Price is negotiable
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Plantain is one of the most common food we eat and it's grown in the tropical regions of Nigeria. Plantain can be prepared either by frying, boiling or roasting or plantain chips.plantain can also be processed into flour. Plantain Farming is another lucrative business that many are yet to see. Starting a Plantain business here in Nigeria can be one of the easiest business to set up and finance. Plantain Farming is not like farm livestock where you have to act like a mother. Where you will need to pamper them throughout the day. If you’re not looking for their feed, then it will be the drugs or even their water pan which can be very exhausting. Am glad to tell you that In plantain business, it’s total freedom.  How to start plantain farming ** acquire a land: The very first step in plantation farming is acquiring a farm land. In farming, the most important thing is knowing and having the right soil type. Plantain plants does best in loamy soil, if the soil is not rich enough with organic matter, you have to apply organic matters like poultry dungs, cow dungs to improve soil fertility **Preparing the land for cultivation : This includes clearing of bushes, trees, stumps. Land preparation also involves tiling the land and application of manure to improve land fertility. ** Purchase of healthy plantain suckers: Plantain Suckers mostly contain short and narrow leaves on them. They are used to grow new plantain plants. When purchasing plantain suckers, ensure you approach reputable farmers that can supply healthy suckers, free of disease. Call 09032647639 to purchase Plantain Suckers. There are three major varieties of plantain suckers - Water suckers - Maiden suckers - Sword suckers The water suckers are not ideal to use for plantain farming business, they are weak plants with low yield of plantain fruits The best plantain suckers one can use is the maiden head or sword suckers, they produce strong plants that are resistant to pest attacks, have a high level of productivity. Once you buy a healthy variety of plantain suckers, it will serve you for many years, all you need to do is get suckers from your own plantation. ** Get labor: Depending on the size of the farm, you might have to hire laborers to carry out farming activities such as:land preparations,planting of plantain suckers, weeding and harvesting, depending on your budget. ** Plant the suckers: Your plantain suckers should be 4-5 feet long. While planting the suckers, keep a distance of 8-10 feet before planting the next suckerand ensure that the soil is moderately wet. ** Weeding / application of fertilizer: Weeds compete for the nutrient of the soil with the plantain plants, therefore constant weeding is required. If you are starting your plantation on a fertile soil, application of fertilizer is required,make sure it has the right proportion of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen (PKO) ** Harvesting: It take plantain fruits 8 -10 months from planting to harvest. Harvesting is done as soon as the plantain starts to ripe. **Marketing : The demand for plantain is on the increase, there's always market for the product. You can supply companies that process plantain into flour or sell in the local market. Start you plantain farm today For consultation and order of plantain suckers Contact: 09032647639, 08069148899

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